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Slachtoffers van misdrijven door intimi, kennissen of vreemden. Verschillen in context, ervaringen en behoeften met betrekking tot justitie Dr. Annemarie ten Boom 2016
Terugvinden van waardigheid. Community-based sociotherapie in Rwanda, Oost Congo en Liberia Dr. Cora Dekker 2016
Abused women in Dutch women's shelters. Profiles, care needs, appropriate care and effective interventions Dr. I.E. Jonker 2016
The victimization-offending relationship from a longitudinal perspective Dr. Josja Rokven 2016
Borderlands of mental health: Explorations in medical anthropology, psychiatric epidemiology and health systems research in Afghanistan and Burundi Dr. Peter Ventevogel 2016
Dr. Annette van Schagen: Prevalence, correlates and treatment of nightmares in secondary mental healthcare Dr. Annette van Schagen 2016
Improving Prevention of Depression and Anxiety Disorders. A Transdiagnostic Approach Targeting Repetitive Negative Thinking Dr. Maurice Topper 2016
Blurring Aversive Memory: Exploring a Novel Route to Fear Reduction Dr. Arne Leer 2015
Volunteering in the Aftermath of Disasters. Psychopathology and Volunteer Management Dr. Sirry. B. Thormar 2015
Perspectives on elder abuse in the Netherlands Dr. Yuliya M.V. Mysyuk 2015
An eye for complexity: EMDR versus stabilisation in traumatised refugees Dr. Jackie June ter Heide 2015
Emotional Scars: Impact of childhood trauma on depressive and anxiety disorders Dr. Jacqueline G.F.M. Hovens 2015
Measuring and modeling negative emotions for virtual training Dr. Jeroen de Man 2015
Psychological adjustment to stress and trauma: Hippocampal configuration learning, cognitive emotion regulation, and frontal brain asymmetry, as predictors of resilience Dr. Thomas T. Meyer 2015
Trauma and mental health in the wake of technological disaster: the Ghishlenghien gas explosion Dr. Erik L.J.L. de Soir 2015
Detection of child maltreatment based on parental characteristics at the hospital Emergency Department Dr. Hester M. Diderich-Lolkes de Beer 2015
Guardians of living history: The persistence of the past in post-Soviet Estonia Dr. Inge Melchior 2015
Screening and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder in patients with substance use disorders Dr. Debora van Dam 2014
Psychobiological correlates of rape in female adolescents Dr. Iva Bicanic 2014
The intergenerational transmission of violent offending Dr. Steve van de Weijer 2014