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Evaluation of a Centre for Sexual and Family Violence. Perspectives of victims and professionals Dr. Elza Zijlstra 2018
Women's health and wellbeing: the roles of early life adversity, stress and lifestyle Dr. Lotte van Dammen 2018
Positive psychology interventions in a multi-cultural context Dr. Tom Hendriks 2018
Victims of Terrorism in Pakistan. Review Of Existing Victim Services And Scope Of Improvement Dr. M.H. Waheed 2018
Childhood abuse and late-life depression Dr. Ilse Wielaard 2018
Survivors of early childhood trauma and emotional neglect: Who are they and what's their diagnosis? Dr. M.M. Wildschut 2018
Individual differences in associative fear learning Dr. Femke Ganzendam 2018
Supporting civilians and professionals after crises Implications for psychosocial care Dr. Juul Gouweloos-Trines 2018
Mental health and wellbeing of a Palestinian population Dr. Yoke van der Meulen 2018
Programming of the Brain by Metabolic and Nutritional Factors After Early-Life Stress: Modulations by Early Nutritional Interventions Dr. K.Y. Yam 2018
HPA-axis functioning in children: a psychobiological prespective Dr. Sterre Simons 2018
Consequences of child maltreatment in adults in Portugal and Public Health Actions Dr. Aida Dos Santos Dias 2018
The stressed brain-discovering the neural pathways to risk and resilience Dr. Steven van der Werff 2017
Exploring pathways to psychosis: Childhood trauma as the invisible backpack Dr. Marieke Begemann 2017
Anxiety and Depression: Family Matters. Offspring risk and resilience, prevention and treatment. Dr. H. Festen 2017
Crossing borders: Trauma and resilience in young refugees Dr. Marieke Sleijpen 2017
The Longitudinal Intervention Model – Phone interventions to help trauma and loss survivors Dr. S. Haimov 2017
Environmental risk factors in the ultra high risk stage of psychosis Dr. Tamar Charlotte Kraan 2017
Assessment and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder in individuals with intellectual disabilities Dr. Liesbeth Mevissen-Renckens 2017
Grief following homicidal loss Dr. Mariëtte Y. van Denderen 2017