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Trauma and its social echoes: Posttraumatic stress disorder and social functioning: Exploring the role of social cognition and emotion regulation in traumatized individuals Dr. Peter Janssen 2024
Psychological care for victims of recent rape: an exploration of early intervention for reducing the risk of PTSD Dr. Milou Covers 2023
Choosing the right track: improving PTSD treatment outcomes for patients with childhood abuse-related posttraumatic stress disorder Dr. Chris Hoeboer 2022
Posttraumatic stress disorder in a medical setting: a physician, patient and partner triad Dr. Karel Scheepstra 2021
Time limited trauma-focused treatment for children and adolescents Dr. Carlijn de Roos 2021
Fostering traumatized children Dr. Carolien Konijn 2021
Beyond dis-ease and dis-order: exploring the long-lasting impact of childhood adversity in relation to mental health Dr. Anne Marsman 2021
Out of Control: Causes of Individual Differences in Self-Control Dr. Yayouk Eva Willems 2020
Effectiveness of Critical Time Intervention for homeless people: A randomized controlled trial to enhance continuity of care during the transition from shelter to community living Dr. Danielle Lako 2020
Getting to the heart of child maltreatment : a multidimensional investigation using an extended family design Dr. Renate Simone Marianne Buisman 2020
Growing up safely: Attachment-based interventions in child protection cases Dr. Sabine van der Asdonk 2020
I'll take you under my wing: Positive parenting in foster care Dr. Nikita Schoemaker 2020
CULTURAL IDENTITY AND TRAUMA Construction of meaning among Afghan and Iraqi refugees under treatment in Dutch mental health care Dr. Simon Groen 2019
Unresolved-disorganized attachment, psychopathology, and the adolescent brain Dr. Marie-José van Hoof 2019
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Prevalence, Stress Hormones and Metabolism Dr. Giel-Jan de Vries 2019
Stress and Memory in Health and Disease: Impact on Alzheimer’s disease and Memory Mechanisms Dr. Sylvie L. Lesuis 2019
Treating trauma-related disorders in later life Dr. Jeannette C.G. Lely 2019
Victimization in psychosis: A body-oriented and social cognitive approach Dr. Elise van der Stouwe 2019
Invisible injuries. Posttraumatic stress in children, adolescents and their parents following accidents. Dr. Els van Meijel 2019
Share your story - Intensive exposure treatment for adult and adolescent complex posttraumatic stress disorder Dr. Lotte Hendriks 2019