27 juli 2020
Titel Onderzoek
Don't Let Sleeping Dogs Lie!: The effectiveness of an intervention for chronically traumatised children who do not talk about their traumatic memories
The aim of the present study is to test the effectiveness of the Sleeping Dogs method for chronically traumatized children. In a quantitative multicenter pre-post-treatment study, we will examine the effects of the Sleeping Dogs intervention. We expect that, through the intervention, chronically traumatized children will be able and motivated to talk about their traumatic memories and engage in and complete EMDR or TF-CBT. The study has a multicenter pre-post-treatment design. All children and adolescents that meet the inclusion criteria will be offered the Sleeping Dogs intervention plus EMDR or TF-CBT. Sleeping Dogs Treatment starts with an analysis of the barriers to engage in EMDR or TF-CBT (Barriers Form) and interventions to overcome those barriers (Barriers Action Plan). When the child is ready to engage in EMDR or TF-CBT (scores yes on the Motivation and Nutshell Checks) his or her traumatic memories are processed with one of those therapies. Sleeping Dogs interventions support the child during this phase to increase the likelihood of successful completion and prevent dropout (Barriers Action Plan). After completion treatment focuses on reconsolidation of the trauma processing and the aftereffects of the developmental trauma (Integration Action Plan).
The interventions performed will be systematically recorded by the treatment provider (Sleeping Dogs Progress registration). There will be a total of six assessment occasions: (1) at the intake and diagnostic stage (before the start of the Sleeping Dogs intervention); (2) before the start of the trauma processing with EMDR or TF-CBT; (3) after the trauma processing with EMDR or TF-CBT; (4) after the integrative stage (see page 7 D); and (5) six months after the completed treatment (follow-up), (6) twelve months after the completed treatment (follow-up). All treatment coordinators (gedragswetenschappers) participate in regular supervision by the developer of the method or a certified Sleeping Dogs trainer to maintain treatment integrity. For all participants, the treatment tool (Sleeping Dogs Tool) with the analysis and the initial treatment plan is reviewed by a supervisor and treatment progress of all participating clients is discussed in supervision. The treatment coordinators (gedragswetenschappers) discuss treatment plans and progress for all participants with their residential and foster care teams.
The project will be conducted by the independent research Departments of Forensic Child and Adolescent Studies (Stams) at the University of Amsterdam and the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Lindauer; the intervention will not be performed at De Bascule–Spirit, with which the researcher is also affiliated). Data collection will take place in five youth support agencies: Altra, Sterk Huis, Rubicon, Jeugdformaat and the Combinatie. This multicenter study will include foster care and (semi-) residential services. All agencies are trained in delivering the intervention. The professional and peer supervision of the treatment providers working at those agencies will be provided by the developer of the Sleeping Dogs intervention (A. Struik) or by certified Sleeping Dogs trainers (M. Pijpers, D. de Bakker, C. Dierkx).
Prof.dr. Geert-Jan Stams, Dr. Marc Noom en Eveline van Vugt van de UVA
1 juli 2020-1 juli 2025 waarna waarschijnlijk verlengd tot 2030
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