Het European Journal of Psychotraumatology (EJPT) is een peer-reviewed, interdisciplinair wetenschappelijk tijdschrift dat deel uitmaakt van de European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS).
Het EJPT heeft als doel om wetenschappers, behandelaren en experts te betrekken bij de belangrijkste vraagstukken rond stress en trauma, waaronder individuele gebeurtenissen, herhaalde of chronische trauma's, grootschalige rampen en geweld.
29 februari 2020
The Symptom Representation of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in a Sample of Unaccompanied and Accompanied Refugee Minors in Germany: A Network Analysis
European Journal of Psychotraumatology
Elisa Pfeiffer, Thorsten Sukale, Lauritz Rudolf Floribert Müller, Paul Lukas Plener, Rita Rosner, Joerg Michael Fegert, Cedric Sachser & Johanna Unterhitzenberger
26 februari 2020
7ROSES, a transdiagnostic intervention for promoting self-efficacy in traumatized refugees: a first quantitative evaluation
European Journal of Psychotraumatology
Henriette E. van Heemstra, W. F. Scholte, J. F. G. Haagen & P. A. Boelen
25 februari 2020
Sleep Disturbance at Pre-deployment is a Significant Predictor of Post-Deployment Re-Experiencing Symptoms
European Journal of Psychotraumatology
Dean T. Acheson, Brian Kwan, Adam X. Maihofer, Victoria B. Risbrough, Caroline M. Nievergelt, Jacob W. Clark, Xin M. Tu, Michael R. Irwin & Dewleen G. Baker
23 februari 2020
Investigating the relationship between distinctive patterns of emotion regulation, trauma exposure and psychopathology among refugees resettled in Australia: A latent class analysis
European Journal of Psychotraumatology
Philippa Specker & Angela Nickerson
22 februari 2020
Fatalism as a traditional cultural belief potentially relevant to trauma sequelae: Measurement equivalence, extent and associations in six countries
European Journal of Psychotraumatology
Andreas Maercker, Menachem Ben-Ezra, Oscar A. Esparza & Mareike Augsburger
18 februari 2020
Virtual reality exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): a meta-analysis
European Journal of Psychotraumatology
Oswald D. Kothgassner, Andreas Goreis, Johanna X. Kafka, Rahel L. van Nickels, Paul L. Plener & Anna Felnhofer
14 februari 2020
Intergenerational Consequences of the Holocaust on Offspring Mental Health: A Systematic Review of Associated Factors and Mechanisms
European Journal of Psychotraumatology
Patricia Dashorst, Trudy M. Mooren, Rolf J. Kleber, Peter J. de Jong & Rafaele J. C. Huntjens
13 februari 2020
Domestic violence victims in a hospital setting: Prevalence, health impact and patients’ preferences – Results from a cross-sectional study
European Journal of Psychotraumatology
David Riedl, Silvia Exenberger, Judith K. Daniels, Bettina Böttcher, Thomas Beck, Daniel Dejaco & Astrid Lampe